Monday, January 20, 2014


SPA SUNDAY ROUTINE (once a week) : TOTAL TIME (40 minutes including prep time)

The best time to relax is on Sunday since it is the day before my hectic week starts. I didn't believe in spa baths till realty, I thought it was something that people brag about that they pay money for. Now, I realize why people do it. It was honestly the most relaxing thing after getting a massage of course. For the past couple of sundays, I have been doing this routine and my mondays have been a lot more exciting and less stressful.

-2 cups of milk
-1/2 cup of honey
-10 drops of oil (olive oil, almond oil, or any type of massaging oil)
- a handful of epsom salt
- add in a bath bomb (it is not necessary though)
- Add in some bath salt (It gives the water some color)
-Feel free to add some fresh flower petals ( it is winter over here so it is impossible to find some here!)

I lit up some candles to set the mood :)

During my 20 minute bath, I usually watch  a movie that I have already seen and plan out what I'm going to do tomorrow and go on pinterest. Also you can put on a face mask and wash it off after. I like to exfoliate and then shave my legs during this time too.

Then after my bath, I apply lotion and then paint my nails.

I take a bath before I sleep,  because the bath makes me sleepy.

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